You guys are faggots. BEST. MOVIE. EVER.
Cry much bitches?
You guys are faggots. BEST. MOVIE. EVER.
Cry much bitches?
Way to go Luis!
Hey luis, great job again. Keep it up.
Goodjob luis
Need to work on your drawing skills. It looks like some one splooged on all your characters faces. Instead of a white just use the lightest skin tone color there is. Also, Try the smooth lines tool thing in Flash, it helps.
Im sick of this shit!
Why the FUCK does everyone try to aim for sympathy votes? Oh wow, half of you who make these little "my parents beat me" movies never have been scrathed by a guardian/parent... I mean seriously try harder in your work dont try and make this shit that people will go "awww poor little kid gets beaten" Ive seen so much of this its stupid now. I mean come on wow they argue then throw a coffee cup and she runs outside and hugs a tree. Great job.... Try harder.
I hope your not trying to get sympathy votes...
No offense, like if your going to kill your self or what ever, but newgrounds isnt a place to try to get sympathy shit... I dont vote like that. This is newgrounds. Bitch and cry to me all you want. But any ways good movie.
LOL well i think u dont understand my point better luck next time ;)
Awsome movie!
I see you put alot of time into your work. Keep it up man, great potential. Tru atleast shading your characters. I kinda like that no feet look :) Any ways, keep up the good work, ill keep a eye out for some new stuff from you.
tsk, wtf?
yeah lets be cool and smoke some bud. for real you little kids prolly never even seen a nic b4
Age 44, Male
Joined on 3/20/03